We Supply Aerated Wastewater Treatment Systems.
Simple on-site Wastewater Treatment solutions.
Honest environmentally responsible kiwis making Sewage Treatment Systems for kiwi lifestyles.
In conjunction with our network partners, we are a one-stop-shop for domestic on-site wastewater system supply and installation during your rural building project in the North Island.
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Why choose BioCycle?
Choosing an on-site wastewater treatment system can be a confusing minefield of technical 'sales-speak' and industry jargon.
But at BioCycle, we pride ourselves on straight-talking honest advice, tailored to your specific site.
Our on-going quality commitment to you is for the life of your system. Buy from us with confidence.

Eco-Friendly Sewage Treatment
BioCycle Limited is an independent New Zealand owned and operated company, servicing the North Island with Head Office in Hamilton. BioCycle's specialty is the on-site treatment and dispersal of domestic sewage. We have been manufacturing and installing Aerated Wastewater Treatment Systems (AWTS) since 1990 and have proven the system works successfully for thousands of homes throughout New Zealand.
Our team comprises highly experienced professionals in engineering, drainlaying, pre-cast concrete manufacture, sales consultancy and finance. This wide range of talented individuals gives us a collaborative advantage over other manufacturers, as we all work together channeling outstanding products and unmatched service delivery to our valued customers.
The first BioCycle wastewater treatment system was successfully installed in New South Wales, Australia in 1985. Variants of BioCycle systems are also installed in Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland and the USA. A well proven technology, there are now over 42,000 domestic BioCycle systems in operation around the world.
The principles of BioCycle systems are based on well-understood and time-proven scientific methodology, which our engineers have refined into a highly efficient package treatment plant in the form of a concrete tank.
There are different BioCycle model options to suit different requirements, such as high capacity models for large homes and complexes, septic tank upgrade kits, or even external pump chambers.
BioCycle systems make it possible to:
Make better use of our water resources
Minimise unnecessary water use losses
Reuse valuable waste-borne nutrients
Provide a permanent solution to localised wastewater disposal
Help protect the environment from pathogen pollution
Eliminate offensive odours associated with Septic Tanks
Budget easily for maintenance
All our BioCycle sewage systems are installed by Registered Drainlayers, whose expertise and experience will offer the best product advice and installation service to you. As with any car or machine, any wastewater treatment system will only perform at its best if serviced on a regular basis. This is why we have trained and authorised regional installers and accredited service agents on the job who will assist you whenever operational questions arise.
Although the BioCycle system concept has been copied by competitors and nowadays several companies manufacture variations to the BioCycle concrete tank model, none can boast the level of hands-on service commitment we at BioCycle Limited give to our customers. Likewise, the SAFE (Submerged Aeration Filtered Effluent) technology is widely preferred by environmental authorities as high-performance reliable technology, protecting our soils and waterways.
Please contact us for more information, or to book a site visit and quotation.